4th ERA-ENISA Conference on Cybersecurity in Railways
Find all the presentations shown during the 4th edition of the annual event dedicated to cybersecurity in the railway sector, organised in Lille, France, on 2 and 3 October 2024.
Session 0-1 - Safety Culture and cybersecurity - Emmanuele Mastrodonato
English (1.88 MB - PDF)Session 0-2 - Human Factors - Operators as the last line of defence - Eylem Thron
English (8.37 MB - PDF)Session 0-3 - Cybersecurity and Staff Behavior - Morten Furholt Hansen
English (1.2 MB - PDF)Session 0-4 - Applying PenTest to ERTMS - Yasmine Benghename
English (5.14 MB - PDF)Session 1-2 - Cyber threats and challenges to the railway sector - Josef Doppelbauer
English (1.32 MB - PDF)Session 1-4 - UNIFE, CER and EIM joint effort on cybersec - Enno Wiebe
English (649.2 KB - PDF)Session 2-1 - CISO Forum updates - Cedric Cecotti, Sara Spinelli
English (100.69 KB - PDF)Session 2-2 - BE NIS2 transposition for the railway sector - Stéphan André
English (5.46 MB - PDF)Session 2-3 - EU-Rail SRG Cybersecurity strategies - Miroslav Haltuf
English (3.58 MB - PDF)Session 2-4 - Rail Baltica importance of cybersecurity - Martins Kemme
English (2.66 MB - PDF)Session 3-1 - IEC PT 63452 Update - Serge Benoliel
English (1.32 MB - PDF)Session 3-2 - Supply Chain Management - Anis Bouaziz
English (1.75 MB - PDF)Session 3-3 - Cybersecurity-by-design mindset - Frank Schneider
English (520.66 KB - PDF)Session 3-4 - Impact of NIS2 on Rail Industry - Zdenek Kobelka
English (986.61 KB - PDF)Session 4-1 - EU-Rail System Pillar Cybersecurity - Markus Wischy
English (936.94 KB - PDF)Session 4-2 - ECCC DEP and Horizon opportunities - Ivan Scannapiecoro
English (1.71 MB - PDF)Session 5-1 - Inspections in the rail sector - David Vonk
English (1.74 MB - PDF)Session 5-2 - Cybsec on Legacy Trains through Retrofit - A. Cowan JT. De Feijter
English (1.14 MB - PDF)Session 5-3 - Testing trains for security weaknesses - Evan Jones
English (2.14 MB - PDF)Session 6-1 - CYRUS Project Update - Marie-Helene Bonneau
English (1.47 MB - PDF)Session 6-2 - People training and cybersecurity - Lucia Capogna
English (1.25 MB - PDF)Session 6-3 - Training on CLC TS 50701 - Jesus Molina
English (1.91 MB - PDF)The 4th edition of the annual event dedicated to cybersecurity in the railway sector, jointly organised by ERA and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), has now concluded.
During 2 days, in Lille, France, we explored the latest advancements, best practices, and challenges in the field of cybersecurity in the railway sector.
The topics of this joint event, strongly supported by the European Commission, covered:
The conference continued to provide networking opportunities, aiming to build a railway cybersecurity community. Speakers and participants shared information on the latest developments and raised awareness among railway stakeholders about the cyber threat landscape.
We would like to thank the speakers for their contribution and the audience for attending!
4th ERA ENISA conference Agenda - Final
English (182.06 KB - PDF)The conference took place at a venue called Canopy, located at 46 Rue Négrier, Lille.
Data Protection Notice - 4th ERA-ENISA Conference
English (167.65 KB - PDF)