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Common Safety Methods for Conformity Assessment

These Regulations outline the procedures and criteria for railway undertakings' safety certificates and infrastructure managers' safety authorisations, as well as the principles for supervising compliance with Directive 2004/49/EC requirements after safety certificates/authorisations are granted.

These Regulations set out:

  • The procedure and criteria for assessing applications by railway undertakings for safety certificates and by infrastructure managers for safety authorisations respectively
  • The principles for supervising compliance with the requirements of Directive 2004/49/EC after the national safety authority has granted the safety certificate/authorisation.

Regulations (EU) No 1158/2010 and (EU) No 1169/2010 are repealed with effect from 16 June 2025. They apply to safety certificates and safety authorisations issued in accordance with Directive 2004/49/EC until their expiry date. For the same reason, the national safety authorities should continue to apply them for the purposes of supervision.

Related guidance

Issuing a safety certificate or safety authorisation - A guide for national safety authorities

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