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IPA and Western Balkans Project

The IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) and Western Balkans Project is an initiative aimed at improving connectivity and infrastructure in the Western Balkans region. It supports EU accession countries by enhancing transportation networks, fostering economic growth, and regional integration.

In December 2023 ERA and the European Commission's Directorate General DG NEAR signed a three years contract "EU support on transposition and implementation of the EU railway acquis by the European Union Agency for Railways". This contract is implemented 2024 to 2026 included. The contract will allow the Agency to continue its efforts supporting the beneficiaries of the Western Balkans and Turkey under the European Union's instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA).

The Work Program comprises the cooperation with the Transport Community, based in Belgrade.

Beneficiaries are the EU candidate and potential candidate countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.), Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

Presently, the following ERA Webinars are available with Albanian, English, Serbian and Turkish subtitles. The related Quizzes are also available in Albanian, English, Serbian and Turkish languages:

Webinar "Introduction to the European Railway Safety Culture Model"

Webinar "Certification Authorisation Approval"

Webinar "Game changer for a carbon neutral economy"

Webinar "Enhancing Rail Safety in 2021"

TSIs Revision Package 2022, the Tool for Sustainable Railways