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Management Board Meeting 58 on 19 January 2022

Meeting place:Online

Summary of decisions

The Management Board (MB) adopted:

  1. The minutes of the 57th Management Board meeting of 23 November 2021

  2. DECISION n°284 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways adopting the Statement of Estimates 2023 and the Establishment Plan 2023 and endorsing the Single Programming Document 2023

    This Decision provides a forecast of the expenditure and revenue for 2023. The Agency will be able to provide more accurate estimates for 2023 and amend the SPD draft accordingly before its adoption by the Management Board in November, based on the progress of work in 2022.

  3. DECISION n°285 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Railways endorsing the recommendations from the Fourth Railway Package Steering Group on the implementation of the Fourth Railway Package

    The 4RP Steering Group created a subgroup to develop proposals for improvements following the implementation of the 4RP.

    The 6 recommendations are:

    1. Recommendation addressed to the Agency to establish two Advisory Groups for vehicle authorisation (VA) and Operations/single safety certification (SSC) and test their functioning
    2. Recommendation addressed to the Agency on a short-list of subjects for testing the Advisory Groups
    3. Recommendation addressed to the Agency a list of other subjects for discussing in the Advisory Groups
    4. Recommendation addressed to the European Commission regarding cross-border agreements
    5. Recommendation addressed to the Agency on the cooperation between ERA and NSA’s in the PoE mandatory part
    6. Recommendation addressed to the VA Advisory Group for short and mid-term solutions for reducing standstill for CTT in case of upgrading (ex. ERTMS upgrading)
  4. Agreed to meet in an extra-ordinary meeting on 15 February 2022 (14.00-16.00) and in the 59th MB meeting on 16 March 2022