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Digital Rail and Green Freight TSI revision package 2022

Published: 18 March 2022

Consultation details

Consultation details

Opening date
Closing date

With the Delegated Decision on TSls, the European Commission requested the Agency to set up working parties for revising all TSls, complemented by the “Digital rail and Green freight revision package” mandate in 2020.

The Agency established the TSI Working Party relating to ENE, INF, LOC&PAS, NOI, PRM, WAG and the OPE TSI and the CCS TSI Working Party relating to the CCS TSI. The TSIs have been reviewed to take into account the objectives set out in the mandate. The proposal for the revision of the TSIs was drafted by the Agency working parties.

According to the regulatory provisions, the Agency invites associations and bodies representing users as well as social partners to comment the draft proposal. In this respect, we make available for consultation the preliminary draft of the revision of the TSIs and the necessary amendments to the ERATV and RINF decisions. Please note that those documents are still under discussion in the Working Parties, and consequently not all finalised. Evolutions are still possible and will occur, notably on topics such as the Digital Automatic Coupler for freight (not covered in the documents provided) or Automatic Train Operation; in some cases, the proposed text hasn’t been submitted to the Working Party yet, this is indicated on the first page of each document.

Please provide your comments using the template below and send them by email to the functional mailbox ("consultation.CCSTSI2022" followed by "") for the CCS TSI related comments and to the functional mailbox ("consultation.otherTSIs-2022" followed by "") for the rest of the comments.

Related Documents:

ERATV Annex II Consultation

English (277.16 KB - PDF)
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RINF table 1 consultation

English (720.51 KB - PDF)
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WAG TSI Consultation

English (2.62 MB - PDF)
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OPE TSI Appendix - A Consultation

English (600.6 KB - PDF)
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OPE TSI consultation

English (2.79 MB - PDF)
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PRM TSI Chapter 7 Consultation

English (224.54 KB - PDF)
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LOC&PAS TSI consultation

English (2.03 MB - PDF)
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NOI TSI consultation

English (418.52 KB - PDF)
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INF TSI consultation

English (1.37 MB - PDF)
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CCS TSI consultation

English (1.33 MB - PDF)
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ENE TSI consultation

English (657.16 KB - PDF)
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TSI package 2022 - comments sheet

English (32.05 KB - XLSX)
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Data protection statement

English (342.37 KB - PDF)
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Consultation received comments and answers:

Public consultation Comments CCS TSI 2022

English (877.69 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments ERATV

English (557.5 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments INF TSI

English (837.1 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments LOC PAS TSI

English (1.28 MB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments NOI TSI

English (435.37 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments OPE TSI

English (992.73 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments PRM TSI

English (386.24 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments RINF

English (681.1 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments WAG TSI

English (915.13 KB - PDF)
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Consultation Comments ENE TSI

English (927.46 KB - PDF)
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