Background information
About the EU Agency for Railways
The European Union Agency for Railways was established in Valenciennes in 2004, and has 200 employees representing more than 22 European Member States.
ERA has been providing EU Member States and the European Commission with technical assistance in the development and implementation of the Single European Railway Area. This comprises enhancing technical interoperability and harmonising rules, promoting simplified access for customers, developing a common approach to safety and safety culture, advising on telematics applications and ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System), monitoring National Safety Authorities and Notified Bodies and facilitating the exchange of information between the railway actors in Europe.
Since 16th June 2019 the EU Agency for Railways is mandated to issue single safety certificates and vehicle (type) authorisations valid in multiple European countries and to ensure an interoperable European Rail Traffic Management System.
About the 4th Railway Package
The technical pillar of the 4th Railway Package is designed to boost the competitiveness of the European railway sector by significantly reducing the costs and the administrative burden for cross-border rail services. In particular, the technical pillar implementation does:
- save businesses from having to file costly multiple applications for vehicle authorisations and safety certificates in the case of operations beyond one single Member State;
- create a ‘one-stop shop’ IT tool which will act as a single-entry point for all such applications, using easy, transparent, and consistent procedures;
- ensure that European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) equipment is interoperable;