The European Agency for Railways is pleased to announce the deployment of the release v1.9.1 of the One-Stop Shop (OSS) tool.
Release v1.9.1
The main updates included in this version are:
- New approach to selecting Operations in selected Member State(s) that are limited to border station(s). The OSS Border Stations Guide provides a detailed description of the changes for both applicants and assessment teams. This change applies to both SSC and VA applications.
- Step 3 of the VA application wizard and in regards to Authorisation details requested. All VA applications have been updated and aligned with the current Conformity to type authorisations.
- Errors reported until the end of July are also fixed and implemented.
- Back up activities have been improved and OSS is shut down only between 02:00 and 04:00 am during week days and between 02:00 and 06:00 on Saturdays. The non availability of the OSS has been reduced to the above stated time periods.
- The background jobs for sending notifications and changing of the application status from submitted to completeness check, are rescheduled to run between 00:00 and 02:00.
Do no hesitate to contact the ERA OSS team for any comment, suggestion and of course error you may encounter with OSS. You may use the Contact us page of the Agency or by sending an email to the Agency servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (Service desk).
One-Stop Shop (OSS)
The One-Stop Shop (OSS) is an information and communication system that supports the Applicants, the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) and the National Safety Authorities (NSAs) in performing their tasks related to Single Safety Certifications (SSCs), Vehicle Authorisations (VAs) and ERTMS trackside approvals (TAs), as defined in the 4th Railway Package (4RP) set of legislative texts.