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I am interested in a third-party safety training (ERA pilot qualification scheme)

To enhance the application of the railway safety legislation by the individuals and organisations contributing to the railway system, ERA is willing to recognise relevant training courses, delivered in any official language of the European Union.

The following safety training courses have been successfully assessed under the ERA pilot qualification scheme in 2024:

  • Training owner: Deep Blue
  • Learning mode: Online, Synchronous and Asynchronous sessions 
  • Target audience: Railway Operator Safety Management System staff, Trainers/Instructors, accident investigators, HR experts; Top and middle management
  • Duration: 4 online synchronous sessions (4 hours each)​ and 3 asynchronous sessions with video-lectures and presentation material for individual consultation​ (average duration 1 h)​
  • Languages available: Italian, English
  • More information and registration: Course on Human and Organisational Factors for the Safety Management Systems – Railway Sector

  • Training owner: MTO Säkerhet 2010 AB
  • Learning mode: Online, e-learning
  • Target audience: All stakeholders on the European railway network who need to have a basic knowledge on the Common Safety Methods (CSM)​
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Languages available: Swedish, English, Finnish, Danish
  • More information and registration: here 

  • Training owner: Agilitas Group NV / Ascento
  • Learning mode: Classroom setting or Online 
  • Target audience: All levels of the organisation 
  • Duration: One to three days 
  • Languages available: French, English, Dutch
  • More information and registration: Raising awareness of safer behaviour 

  • Training owner: Ergotec
  • Learning mode: Classroom setting
  • Target audience: All type of managers and staff of the different operational departments that must take important decisions on safety.​
  • Duration: Three days, 8h per day
  • Languages available: Spanish
  • More information and registration: formacionatergotec [dot] es (here)

  • Training owner: Tg Consulting
  • Learning mode: Both online and classroom setting
  • Target audience: NSA Safety and Authorisation staff, Safety staff in railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, entities in charge of maintenance
  • Duration: 3 full days (10:00-16:00) or 6 half days (09:30-12:30 or 13:30-16:30)
  • Languages available: Turkish, German, English
  • More information and registration: here 

  • Training owner: ESM HUMAN FACTORS
  • Learning mode: Classroom setting (at working site) and online
  • Target audience: Top managers, Middle managers, Members of Safety Commitee
  • Duration: Classroom, 6 h.​ Online, 3 sessions/ 2h per session
  • Languages available: Spanish, Portuguese

  • Training owner: Teemu Reiman ("Lilikoi")
  • Learning mode: Classroom setting
  • Target audience: Top and middle management of RUs and IMs, NSA’s staff
  • Duration: 10 hours, divided into modules of up to 2 hours each
  • Languages available: Finnish, English, Swedish

  • Training owner: contactaticsi-eu [dot] org (Institut pour une sécurité industrielle (ICSI))
  • Learning mode: Online (asynchronous)
  • Target audience: All levels of managers
  • Duration: 7 hours
  • Languages available: English, French, Spanish

  • Training owner: TechSolutions Group sp.z o.o.
  • Learning mode: Both online and classroom setting (at working site)
  • Target audience: Staff intending to join SMS team. Any other rail professional who want to understand general ideas behind EU safety regulations.
  • Duration: 210 minutes + practical exercises
  • Languages available: Polish

  • Training owner: Development & Innovation in Transport Systems S.r.l (DITS)
  • Learning mode: Full intervention with online meetings and classroom setting, on site
  • Target audience: Organisations in their entirety or departments (especially in the event of changes)
  • Duration: Total intervention of ~56h
  • Languages available: Italian, English, French

ERA is not responsible for training delivered by third-party organisations.

What is the ERA Pilot Qualification Scheme for Safety Training?

ERA is committed to disseminating information related to the European Union framework of railway law to relevant stakeholders. To enhance the application of the railway safety legislation by the individuals and organisations contributing to the railway system, ERA is willing to recognise relevant training courses, delivered in any official language of the European Union. 

For this purpose, ERA is piloting a qualification scheme for railway safety training. This initiative was communicated during the European Rail Safety Days, in Tallinn, in September 2023 (see related presentation). A call for submitting applications was then open to any owner of a safety training applicable to railways. 12 organisations submitted an application consisting in training material, information on the trainers’ experience and participants’ feedback. 

Applications were evaluated by the ERA team against the following criteria:

  1. Support to the implementation of the EU railway safety legislation;
  2. Application to the railways context;
  3. Alignment with ERA safety approach. 

Based on these criteria, 10 candidates were successfully assessed. Lessons learned during the pilot phase in 2024 will be used to design and implement a sustainable qualification scheme for safety training.