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#CCRCC2019 – The ERTMS conference

Published: 15 October 2019 Updated: 30 October 2023
Tuesday 15 October 2019, 14:00 - Thursday 17 October 2019, 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)
Cité des Congrès Valenciennes: 1 Esplanade des Rives Créatives de l’Escaut, 59410 Valenciennes, France

Following the successful events in 2015 and 2017, at the beginning of 2019 we announced the #CCRCC2019 / ERTMS conference on the 15-17 October in Valenciennes, Cité des Congrès.

A first immediate feedback tells us that the #CCRCC2019 was an event appreciated by the speakers and the participants who attended it.

The organisation team is collecting a more structured feedback, in the mean time we thanks all those who contributed to this success: the speakers who turned the #CCRCC2019 into a reference event for the ERTMS and railway digitalisation and the participants for their continuous interactions and participation, especially during the workshops organised on the 15th of October.

Overall the conference focused on:

  • ERTMS deployment and expectation for the TSI CCS 2022/2023 release
  • Vehicle Upgrade and vehicle authorisation topics > experience and challenges from current projects.
  • ERTMS regulatory and funding framework > status quo, first experience and outlook
  • Communication > future railway mobile communication system (FRMCS) and GSM-R migration
  • Future transport system – Rail and CCS evolution > digitalisation and big data shaping the future rail system

Again a great “thank you” to those who were part of the conference and we hope to see you again in the next #CCRCC #ERTMS conference!


All the material presented in the event are available here 

Watch video recordings 

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