Application Procedure
This page provides detailed instructions for candidates applying to European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) positions. We invite candidates to carefully read all these elements before applying.
For applications to be valid, the candidates must submit the ERA application form duly completed on the closing date for the submission of applications.
Failure to comply with the instructions will result in the exclusion from the selection procedure.
Applications must be sent by email only to mailbox jobsera [dot] europa [dot] eu (jobs[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu) clearly indicating the call for applications reference number in the subject line.
If at any stage in the procedure, it is established that the information provided by a candidate is incorrect, the candidate in question may be disqualified.
It is forbidden for candidates to make direct or indirect contact with the members of the Selection Committee, or for anyone to do so on their behalf. The Authority Authorised to Conclude Contracts by delegation (hereinafter AACC) reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who disregards this instruction.
A reserve list will be established and will be valid for 2 years as of the closing date of the selection procedure. The validity of the reserve list may be extended if the AACC so decides. The reserve list may be used for the engagement for other posts carrying the same FG and grade, profile as the one described above.
Please note that due to the large numbers of applications we might receive by the submission deadline, the system may encounter problems processing large amounts of data. Applicants are therefore advised to send their ERA application well ahead of the deadline.
Important: Supporting documents (e.g. certified copies of degrees/diplomas, proof of experience, etc.) should NOT be sent at this stage but shall be requested at a later stage of the procedure. No documents will be sent back to candidates.
Application Procedure
svenska (50.42 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
български (53.34 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
hrvatski (47.81 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
čeština (50.79 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
dansk (50.42 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
Nederlands (49.84 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
English (46.07 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
eesti (47.28 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
suomi (45.26 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
français (49.8 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
Deutsch (52.77 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
ελληνικά (54.24 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
magyar (49.24 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
Gaeilge (47.91 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
italiano (48.67 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
latviešu (54.05 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
lietuvių (50.73 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
Malti (52.23 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
polski (51.09 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
português (50.15 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
română (49.43 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
slovenčina (50.69 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
slovenščina (47.22 KB - PDF)Application Procedure
español (48.89 KB - PDF)