Providing incorrect or incomplete information in the PDF certificate/s and/or relevant ERADIS fields may delay the review and validation process for certificates. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to the guidelines provided in the following FAQs.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
ERADIS updates the [Validity] field automatically to “Expired” when the “Valid until” date has passed.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Published EC Certificates cannot be modified. To make changes, the NoBo must request the Agency to unpublish the relevant EC Certificate by sending an email to “ERADISera [dot] europa [dot] eu”. Once the EC Certificate has been unpublished, it can be modified and re-submitted to the Agency for publication.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
The “Certificate type” field is disabled when an “Interoperability Constituent” is selected. To enable it, the “Please select…” option must be chosen from the dropdown list in the “Interoperability Constituent” field. Please note that this is explained in the “information message” linked to the “Certificate type” when creating an EC Certificate in ERADIS.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
A NoBo user can access these options from the main page of the “NoBo EC Certificates, NoBo QMS Approvals and NoBo ISVs” section of ERADIS. They are at the top of the page (see Figure 1).

Figure 1
It can also be done from an open EC Certificate. In this case, the buttons to access these options are located at the bottom of the page (Figure 2).

Figure 2
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Please, refer to the explanations in the RFU-STR-001.
Suspended or withdrawn EC certificates will be labelled accordingly in the “Status” column in ERADIS.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)