Information Sharing System (ISS)
The Information Sharing System (ISS) is the central tool established by the CSM ASLP Regulation for sharing data and information related to railway safety within the Union.
The Information Sharing System (ISS) is the central tool established by the CSM ASLP Regulation for sharing data and information related to railway safety within the Union.
Any railway actor that is legally required to report or entitled to work with safety data shall use the ISS.
The EU harmonised specifications of both human-machine and machine-to-machine interfaces of the ISS will be used by any user of the ISS to report or retrieve data for each relevant business areas the users need to work with.
To enable ISS data management in full compliance with the EU Data Protection Regulation the access to the ISS is subject to a – free of charge – registration of each user.
The native functionalities of the ISS may be further developed for specific needs of ISS users, for example in terms of specific service for data collection or data analyses. In such a case, a specific chargeable service agreements with the Agency should be established.
The temporary solution for the processes and the use cases of the target ISS design are currently tested with volunteers during the ISS Test Phase.
CSM ASLP - Guidance - Entity and Users Registration
English (1.43 MB - PPTX)