For any questions regarding SAIT, please send an email to servicedesk
era [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
The Safety Alerts IT tool (SAIT) is only for railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, entities in charge of maintenance, manufacturers, maintenance suppliers, keepers, service providers, contracting entities, carriers, consignors, consignees, loaders, unloaders, fillers and unfillers (not including national or state bodies and authorities).
You may request a user account by registering/signing-in to By requesting a user account you confirm that you belong to the above mentioned categories. If you already have an ERA profile you can find the “Safety Alert IT tool - Access request” under the left navigation menu of your profile. In case of difficulties or questions, please contact us (select "Topic of my request: User management of workgroups").
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