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Fees and charges

The following fees and charges apply from 1 January 2025 (00h00) when submitting applications, requests or notifications  to the Agency

The Agency applies an hourly rate of EUR 275.

The Agency hourly rate is applied for:  

  • authorisations for the placing on the market of vehicles and of vehicle types (except where fixed fees apply)
  • single safety certificates, 
  • decisions for approval of the interoperability compliance of an ERTMS track-side equipment solution with the relevant TSI, 
  • pre-engagement applications, 
  • chargeable services. Please consult the list of ERA chargeable services,
  • issuing of estimate(s) on request of an applicant of the amount of the fees and charges related to the application or request for services
  • where the Agency, acting on its own initiative, restricts, amends or reviews a decision issued in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/798 or Directive (EU) 2016/797,
  • where the Agency revokes an authorisation for placing on the market due to a subsequently established non-compliance with the essential requirements of a vehicle in use or a vehicle type in accordance with Article 26 of Directive (EU) 2016/797, or where a holder of a single safety certificate no longer satisfies the conditions for the certification in accordance with Article 17(5) and (6) of Directive 2016/798.

IMPORTANT: Where relevant, fees and charges apply in case of applications subsequently withdrawn by the applicant.

NOTE: Amounts shall be indexed annually by the Agency in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/764 as amended by Regulations (EU) 2021/1903 and (EU) 2024/2018 and shall apply to the applications, requests and notifications submitted as of the date of application of the indexed amounts.  

The fixed feeds to be paid to the Agency for the use of the one-stop shop (OSS) are as follows:

Table A

 OSS Cost GroupAmount (EUR)
Submission of an application to the Agency for:
1.A single safety certificate475
2.A vehicle type authorisation475
3.A vehicle authorisation other than an authorisation in conformity to type475
4.An ERTMS trackside approval475
5.A pre-engagement process475

The amount of fees for the submission and processing of the following applications, requests and notifications shall be the relevant fixed amount specified in Table B and shall include the fee for using the OSS, where appropriate:

Table B

 Cost GroupAmount (EUR)
Submission to and processing by the Agency of an application for a decision authorising vehicles in conformity to type:

(a) freight wagons

(b) vehicles designed to carry:

  • motor vehicles with their passengers on board, or
  • motor vehicles without passengers on board but intended to be integrated in passenger trains (car carriers)

(c) vehicles which

  • increase their length in loaded configuration, and
  • their payload itself is part of the vehicle structure

(a) thermal or electric traction units

(b) passenger carriages

(c) special vehicles

3. self-propelling thermal or electric trains1290
Submission to and processing by the Agency of an application for a decision authorising a vehicle type:
4.freight wagons when the area of use is whole Union27 500
Request for and registration in the European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles (ERATV) of a new version of a vehicle type or a new version of a vehicle type variant:

(a) freight wagons

(b) vehicles designed to carry:

  • motor vehicles with their passengers on board, or
  • motor vehicles without passengers on board but intended to be integrated in passenger trains (car carriers)

(c) vehicles which

  • increase their length in loaded configuration, and
  • their payload itself is part of the vehicle structure

(a) thermal or electric traction units

(b) passenger carriages

(c) special vehicles

7.self-propelling thermal or electric trains523
Processing of notifications, including decisions of the Agency in accordance with Article 16(4) of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/545:
8.all types of vehicles3850

Appeal and fees for appeal

The Agency shall levy a fee in respect of any appeal which is dismissed or withdrawn.

The appeal fee shall be EUR 10 000 or equal to the amount of the fee charged for the decision appealed against, whichever is lower.

The Registrar of the Board of Appeal shall inform the appellant of the conditions of payment. The appellant shall have 30 calendar days for payment from the date of notification of the invoice.

An applicant may appeal against the invoiced fees and charges to the Board of Appeal.

Fees and charges applied by national safety authorities

Please consult information provided by national safety authorities in their respective websites.


At the request of the applicant the Agency:

  • issues non-binding estimates of fees and charges,
  • issues new estimate where the processing of an application, request or notification lasts longer than one year,
  • provides information on when the invoices will be issued,
  • provides information when costs risk exceeding the estimate by more than 15%.

Where the issuing of estimates and any review thereof is requested, the deadlines for processing applications for vehicle authorisations, single safety certificates and ERTMS trackside approvals may be suspended for a maximum of 10 working days.

Invoicing and payments

After the submission of an application or request for chargeable services the staff of the Agency will get in touch with the applicants/contact persons to arrange submission of applicant’s information required to ensure the correct invoicing.

In case of legal representation/delegation, the Agency shall invoice the person/entity:

The amount to be invoiced to the applicant for processing applications or requests for services addressed to the Agency shall be the total of the following: 

Type of application / Service


Vehicle authorisations in conformity to type

Notifications, including decisions of the Agency in accordance with Article 16(4) of Regulation (EU) 2018/545

Registration in the European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles (ERATV) of a new version of a vehicle type or a new version of a vehicle type variant

 Fixed fee (see Table B)
Vehicle type authorisations for freight wagons when the area of use is whole Union
  • fixed OSS fee


  • EUR 27 500

Vehicle (and type) authorisations

Single Safety Certificates

ERTMS trackside approvals

Pre-engagements for vehicle (and type) authorisations, single safety certificates

  • fixed OSS fee


  • the number of hours spent by Agency staff and external experts, on the processing of the application multiplied by the hourly rate of the Agency


  • relevant amount submitted by the national safety authorities (‘NSAs’) resulting from the cost for processing of the national part of the application.
Chargeable services
  • the number of hours spent by Agency staff and external experts delivering the service, multiplied by the hourly rate of the Agency.
Chargeable services (assistance under Art. 43)
  • a charge per participant or per training/assistance: the total number of hours spent by (experts of the Agency or external experts engaged on and/or for the training/assistance), multiplied by the Agency’s hourly rate, divided by the estimated number of participants for that training/assistance.
  • infrastructure and operational expenditures, linked to that specific activity, such as: catering, venue rental, equipment, including AV- and IT- equipment and furniture, cleaning, health and safety, security, insurance, training materials, translations and interpretation, and mission costs including those of external experts.

The Agency issues an invoice for the fees and charges due, within 60 calendar days of the date:

  • of its decision, except in case of decisions covered by the fixed fee regime or subject to risk management measures (see provisions on risk management below),
  • of the decision of Board of Appeal,
  • when the service rendered ended,
  • of withdrawal of an application, request or notification,
  • of any other event leading to cessation of processing of an application, request or notification.

In case of lengthy processing of applications or provision of services the Agency may invoice interim amounts every 6 months or issue multiple invoices.

For the fixed fees that become due for payment at the time of the submission of the application, request or notification prior to the Agency’s processing them, the Agency may agree a shorter due date with individual applicants at their request, as well as enter special arrangements for invoicing, including issuing of a monthly invoice. The Agency shall notify applicants of the decision and issue the invoice via the one-stop shop.

The invoice shall provide the following elements, where applicable:

  • differentiation between fees or charges,
  • amounts subject to fixed fees,
  • the number of hours spent under the Agency’s responsibility and the hourly rate applied,
  • the costs charged by the NSA responsible.

Applicants shall ensure that the Agency receives payment of the amounts due, including any bank charges related to that payment, within 60 calendar days from the date of notification of the invoice.

In the absence of payment of the amounts due, the Agency may charge interest for each additional calendar day for which payment is delayed and shall apply the rules on recovery provided for in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 and in the financial rules of the Agency adopted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/796.

Conditions for micro, small or medium-sized enterprises

Micro, small or medium-sized enterprises: autonomous railway undertakings, infrastructure managers or vehicle manufacturers established or having their seat in European Economic Area (EEA) and meeting requirements in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, may request 20% reduction of the total amount levied by the Agency (i.e. excluding the costs of NSAs responsible) for an application. The applicant shall provide proof that it qualifies as micro, small or medium-sized enterprise within 1 month from the date of the application, request or notification.  The Agency shall assess the evidence provided and decide to refuse the request for reduction in case of doubt or lack of justification.

Where the applicant is a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise, the Agency shall take into account requests for a reasonable extension of the time limit for payment and payment by instalments.

Requests related to the status of micro, small or medium-sized enterprise should be sent to the Agency each time you submit an application in the One-Stop Shop (OSS) (or via contact us for each request for registration in ERATV, chargeable service or notification) together with evidence of compliance with the requirements established by Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. Additional guidance can be found in the European Commission webpage for SME definition.

Managing financial risks

Where the Agency has evidence that the applicant’s financial ability is at risk, or where the applicant is not established or does not have its seat in a member country of the European Economic Area specific provisions for invoicing and payments may apply.