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European Rail Human and Organisational Factors Seminar 2018

Published: 23 November 2018 Updated: 15 November 2022

The European Union Agency for Railways organised and hosted the European Rail Human and Organisational Factors Seminar last 14 and 15 November. Recognised academics, professionals and railway representatives reflected during these two days on the challenges the railway industry needs to address.


The seminar discussed the knowledge and best practices concerning the integration of Rail Human and Organisational Factors. It also reflected on safety culture, the importance of leadership and the principles of just culture to ensure railway safety. To conclude, experts exchanged views on the human factors challenges of automation, the impact on train drivers and on guided transport and the EASA Automation Policy approach.

Presentations are available here.


The European Union Agency for Railways organised and hosted the European Rail Human and Organisational Factors Seminar last 14 and 15 November. Recognised academics, professionals and railway representatives reflected during these two days on the challenges the railway industry needs to address.