For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
According to article 29 of the "Regulation (EU) 2021/782 of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 April 2021 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations", each railway undertaking shall publish an annual service quality performance report. These quality reports shall be made available on the websites of the railway undertakings as well as on ERADIS.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
In order to submit Service Quality Reports in ERADIS, you need to have a user account. To that end, you have to fill in the form of the Request User Account in ERADIS by providing all the relevant information and specifying which documents you need to submit.
Please provide your professional email address and select only the documents, which are relevant for submission by your organisation. You will be provided with all relevant information to the submission of documents after having an ERADIS account.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Navigate with your preferred internet browser to this URL. You are asked for a username and password. Please use the user credentials you received by email when your account has been created.
- Click on left side “RU Service quality reports”. Then click on “Submit RU service quality report” (in the middle after the text).
- Fill in the data, selecting from the drop-down menu “Country” and “Reporting year”. Then from “Select Existing RU SQP Reports Organisation*” click on your organization in the drop-down menu. If your organization is not in the list please address this issue to ERADIS
era [dot] europa [dot] eu (ERADIS).
- Under “Attachments”, select the report language and by clicking on the "Add document" link start the upload of a new quality report.
- An “Upload document” dialog will appear. Upload your document to the website by selecting your local PDF-file with the report. Please use the filename “Year-[your Company Name].pdf”.
- Finally click on the button “Send To ERA”. You will receive a confirmation by the system that the report was successfully uploaded. After this point, the quality report will be subject to an approval process. Therefore, it will take up to 4-5 additional working days until it will be displayed on ERADIS.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
For the content of the service quality reports please take into account the guidelines of the Rail Passenger Rights provided by the European Commission. These guidelines are available here.
For all questions relating to the content of the reports, do not hesitate to contact EC via the following email address.
For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Yes, there is and you can find it on the top right corner of ERADIS page under “Help” (please see screenshot below).

For any questions regarding ERADIS, please send an email to servicedeskera [dot] europa [dot] eu (servicedesk[at]era[dot]europa[dot]eu)