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1. Transport statistics

Source: Eurostat

2. Organisations

Source: European Union Agency for Railways ERADIS, RDD, DG GROW

3. Rolling stock

3.1 Traction vehicles

Source: European Union Agency for Railways EVR

3.2 Freight wagons

Source: European Union Agency for Railways EVR

3.3 Coaches

Source: European Union Agency for Railways EVR

4. Infrastructure

4.1 Tracks and lines

Source: European Union Agency for Railways CSI, Eurostat

4.2 Stations, terminals, yards and facilities

Source: European Union Agency for Railways RINF

4.3 Infrastructure funding and expenditure

Source: RMMS

5. Safety

5.1 Safety statistics

Source: European Union Agency for Railways CSI

5.2 Accident investigations

Source: European Union Agency for Railways ERADIS

6. Market

6.1 Performance

Source: RMMS

6.2 Employment

Source: RMMS

6.3 Market structure

Source: RMMS

7. Regulatory framework

Source: ERA VA Toolbox/RDD, SRD, EC, DG COMP


The ERA Railway Factsheets are published by the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA). They provide insights into the railway sector of countries and help to identify data quality issues so that they can be resolved. An overview of the included indicators, sources and data limitations can be found on the ERA website.

This factsheet includes key statistics on the railway sector in France. Some indicators may not be visible in this factsheet if there was no data available for France. In absence of more recent data older reference data may be displayed. Reproduction is allowed with reference to the European Union Agency for Railways as its source.

The factsheets are automatically generated. ERA is not responsible for any possible errors that may be included in this factsheet nor for decisions that are taken based on the presented information. Comments, suggestions and data correction requests can be send to .

This factsheet shall be updated and improvements are anticipated. The version date can be found at the top of the factsheet.